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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0793c40.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-09  |  200KB  |  527x415  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: monitor | reckoner | sky | tree | vegetarianism | windowpane
OCR: LEADING CAR LOANS IN THE 24 LARGEST METRO AREAS Rate as of Term Maximun Mouthl Telephone Region Inxtilutien May 27 (months) %of price payments number Atianta mst Compar Bart S309 04-588-7711 Battimore .90 203 10.559. -0800 Boston 48 80 244 617-321.1111 Chicago 98 202 312-407 981 Cleveland Bat 24 60 199 215-546-2 :111 Dallas NeriPart Bard 308 214-890-5100 Denver Cocrade EaTk 48 100 241 303 -851 l-2111 Detroit FitS 94 5 :197 313-339-5630 Houston foapas Bare Hoastor 38 80 243 713-521-3336 Los Angeles Barisof Hmenes 48 90 239 203.843-2632 Miami SuBanaan 85 226 305 592-0800 Minneapolis Firstar Bank :60 8 202 612-854 -2211 New York city teand Basils 845 RE 296 800.843-5472 N Nen Jersey TiNFS 60 81 202 800-225 5.5332 Philaddlphia Cniestata $203 215.973.3100 Phoctix Natgnal 60 80 204 602 -258-5555 ...